Every two years the association holds a conference to gather the European American Studies community together to share new and emerging research. An overview of themes and locations of EAAS Conferences since 1954 can be found in the History section.
EAAS 2026
The 36th Biennial EAAS-conference is currently scheduled to take place in Bologna, Italy, at the beginning of September 2026.
EAAS 2024
From April 4-6, 2024, the 35th Biennial EAAS-conference, titled “1924 – 2024: The American Immigrant Narrative Revisited,” took place at Amerikahaus Munich, Germany. It was hosted by the Bavarian American Academy (BAA).
With its focus on the immigrant narrative, the conference engaged with the complicated histories that have shaped the American immigrant narrative in all of its variations across time and from different disciplinary angles. To assess the ambivalent legacies of the American immigrant narrative, this conference called for an intersectional approach to the topic which also examined gendered regimes of immigration, the precarious labor conditions of (im)migrant workers, class restrictions, and sexual exploitation, past and present.
EAAS 2022
From April 6-8, 2022, the 34th EAAS Conference “Wastelands” was organized by the UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia) with the collaboration of the Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain.
The year 2022 marked the centenary of the publication of T.S. Eliot’s poem The Waste Land. The title of the conference alludes to Eliot’s work and the main themes in it, expanding the idea of the wasteland to the study of the United States. Hence, the overarching theme of the conference was open to all kinds of reflections around the concept of “wasteland” and waste. In-person and hybrid presentations addressed the concept of waste in U.S. culture, history, and politics.