Postgraduates & Early Career Researchers
Postgraduates play a crucial role within the EAAS by bringing fresh perspectives, driving innovative research, and enriching our dynamic academic community. At EAAS, we actively foster connections among postgraduates across Europe. To explore diverse networks of postgraduates and early career scholars, please refer to the information below (countries are listed in alphabetical order).

Austria’s Young Americanists (AYA) is a network for graduate students and early career researchers in the field of American Studies at Austrian universities to facilitate exchange about ongoing research projects. The network is affiliated with the Austrian Association for American Studies (AAAS). For more information as well as the current AYA board members, please see their website at http://ayaonline.net/ or contact them via email at austriasyoungamericanists@gmail.com.

The Postgraduate Forum (PGF) of the German Association of American Studies (GAAS) is a loosely organized network of early career researchers from all disciplines affiliated with the field of American Studies in Germany. Since its founding in 1989, the PGF has not only continuously grown in size, but has also evolved into a forum that enables early career Americanists to share, discuss, and publish their own research as well as to participate in debates concerning the politics and practices of American Studies in Germany and beyond. Contact the current PGF organizers directly via pgf@dgfa.de.

COPAS—Current Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies is an open access, peer-reviewed e-journal dedicated to publishing research by early career Americanists. It was launched as an easy-to-access platform for scholarly exchange following the 1999 PGF conference in Regensburg. True to its original mission, COPAS showcases the work of early career scholars in the field with an annual issue featuring articles based on contributions from the latest PGF conference. In 2013, the journal’s scope expanded to include guest-edited thematic issues—proposals are welcome at any time! Contact the Editorial Team via email at copas@dgfa.de.
EAAS supports postgraduates and the wider American Studies community through a variety of funding streams. Learn more here.
Great Britain

BAAS for Postgraduates supports the UK-based American Studies postgraduate community. From offering financial support for postgraduate conferences to annual prizes for essays and research trips in the United States and elsewhere, the British Association for American Studies (BAAS) acknowledges the significant contributions made by postgraduates in sustaining and rejuvenating the multidisciplinary field of American Studies. The annual postgraduate conference is designed to provide a supportive and encouraging environment where postgraduates and early career researchers can meet, forge connections, and share research. For more information, please see their website at https://baas.ac.uk/about/baas-for-postgraduates/.

HELAAS Young Scholars aims at bringing together emerging scholars, including postgraduate students, PhD candidates, and early career researchers, who are members of the Hellenic Association for American Studies (HELAAS). The goal is to foster collaborative research initiatives, engage in international conferences, and organize enriching research-focused events. These events alternate between Athens and Thessaloniki.

You can reach out to the Postgraduate Group of the Irish Association for American Studies (IAAS) at postgrad@iaas.ie. The IAAS organizes a Postgraduate Symposium every year.
The News section offers a unique opportunity to learn about and share postgraduate specific news (such as events, awards, call for papers, or conferences) in individual European countries.

Italy has established the AISNA Graduate Students Forum within the Italian Association for American Studies (AISNA), bringing together graduate and postgraduate students from across the country, enrolled in both MA and PhD programs. For inquiries or to connect with forum members, please email aisnagraduatesforum@gmail.com or visit http://aisna-graduates.online/.

JAm It! Journal of American Studies in Italy is an annual open-access and peer-reviewed journal of American Studies that publishes academic articles, book reviews, interviews, and creative writing, favoring innovative methodologies and contributions. The thematic section is periodically open to submissions via CFPs and Jam It! accept unsolicited submissions for all the other sections of the journal. They especially invite submissions from Italian and international postgraduate and early-career researchers. Contact the Editorial Team via email at journal@aisna-graduates.online.

The Spanish Association of Anglo-American Studies (AEDEAN) offers a Doctoral Seminar to provide students who are writing their theses in English Studies a forum where they can present and discuss their research work in workshop-type sessions. The protagonists will be the PhD students themselves, who will share and compare initiatives, problems, solutions, and other experiences related to their research. In addition, they will obtain valuable suggestions and feedback from experienced thesis supervisors and other participants.

SAAS Young Scholars of the Spanish Association for American Studies is a network of researchers in the early stages of their careers, including master’s and doctoral students, as well as young doctors who have recently defended their theses. The Félix Martín-Doctoral Seminar takes place every two years, and it is designed as a space for Ph.D. students to present and discuss their current research in a more relaxed environment than that of a full conference panel and in dialogue with other doctoral students in a highly stimulating and collaborative environment. .