Submit News and Events to the EAAS Website

Enter the title for your submission.

Enter a short excerpt for your submission, which will be shown on the overview page (100 words max).

Enter the content for your submission.

Attach a file to your submission, such as a full CFP in PDF format. Please ensure you have checked the file name of your file, as this is what will show on the website.

File name:

File size:

Do you want to add an image to your submission?

Choose an image to attach to your submission. This will be shown on the news page. If you do not provide an image, we will use our default image.

Please provide detail of copyright approval for the image you are submiting i.e. royalty free image (with link to original listing), image you produced or created yourself etc.

Choose the main category to which your submission aligns.

Choose additonal categories that your submission aligns to. You can choose as many categories as applicable.

Enter the contact name for this submission.

Enter your contact email address.

Enter your affliation or institution

Choose the date from which you'd like this submission to be available on our website.

If posting a CFP, Conference or Event, please select the closing date or date of event. Or choose a date when your listing will be archived.