Call for papers – Genre in new media PGR/ECR conference

Call for papers - Genre in new media PGR/ECR conference

News > Conferences > Call for papers – Genre in new media PGR/ECR conference


Genre borders of our times fade away. The loss of defining characteristics forces the academics and artists to ask: “Do we still need genres, and why do we need it?”. During this conference, we aim to provide a platform for discussion. We want to hear from you about genres in new media and popular culture. The conference is going to involve two sessions, one in English on 18th November, and one in Polish on 19th. Our guests are dr Sorcha Ni Fhlainn from Manchester Metropolitan University; and Magdalena Wleklik, a screenwriter and a playwright, winner of the 2021 ArtSkrypt award.

Genre in new media

PGR/ECR Conference

“Cultura Popularis” Research Group

University of Szczecin, Faculty of Humanities

18th -19th November 2024

Genre borders of our times fade away. The loss of defining characteristics

forces the academics and artists to ask: “Do we still need genres, and why

do we need it?”. During this conference, we aim to provide a platform for

discussion. We want to hear from you about genres in new media and

popular culture. The conference is going to involve two sessions, one in

English on 18th November, and one in Polish on 19th. Our guests are dr

Sorcha Ni Fhlainn from Manchester Metropolitan University; and

Magdalena Wleklik, a screenwriter and a playwright, winner of the 2021

ArtSkrypt award.

We are interested in papers analysing the state of genre in new media,

i.e., digital cinema, video games, podcasts, TV shows, social media etc.

Analysed works do not have to come from Polish or English-speaking

culture. We are eager to see examples from other cultures.

Potential topics are:

· Viability of genre labelling,

· Fading of genre in specific media,

· Pop culture vs. genre,

· Genre vs. popular literature,

· Genre transgressions in digital media,

· Media-specific genres,

· New and developing genres, e.g. Afrofuturism, Black horror,

· Classical genres reconstructions,

· Genre prestige,

· Genre as a creative framework,

· Genre reception in culture,

· Genre tropes and their subversions,

· Genres and metafictionality; metafictions on genres.


These are only our suggestions; we welcome topics outside of these

examples. Send 100-300 words long abstracts via the registration

form: Please send abstracts

in a language you want to use (Polish or English). We await your

abstracts until 13th of October 2024. The confirmation of admission is

going to be sent on 25th October.


Organising committee:
mgr Jacqueline Woroniec
mgr Anna Ronewicz
Paweł Baran
Jakub Sadowski
Academic supervision:
dr hab. Beata Zawadka prof. US
dr Barbara Braid

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