

The European Association for American Studies is pleased to maintain a list of news and events from across the American Studies community. The items below include news from EAAS itself and submissions from other institutions and organisations. You will find posts organised by category below. To submit content to appear on this page, please submit your content to us by completing the submission form. Posts are published once a week. Please only submit your entry once.

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News in Category: Events

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    EXTENDED DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: Asynchronous short course on Multimodality and Anglophone Narratives – Spring cycle


    An asynchronous 6-week course is offered by the Center for Education and Lifelong Learning and the Multimodal Research and Reading Group of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh), Greece.

    Call for Papers, “Queer Journeys” International Conference, University of Innsbruck, 14-15 November 2025


    International Conference: “Queer Journeys in North American Literature and Culture,” University of Innsbruck, November 14-15, 2025 This two-day conference will consider the diverse ways in which journeys undertaken by LGBTQ+ people have been represented in North American literature and culture, as well as how queer journeys interact with and impact social structures, transnational relations, and cultural forms. We welcome papers that analyze queer journeys in and across a range of media (including literature, film, television, performance, video games, and other digital media).

    Asynchronous short course on Multimodality and Anglophone Narratives – Spring cycle


    An asynchronous 6-week course is offered by the Center for Education and Lifelong Learning and the Multimodal Research and Reading Group of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh), Greece. The course title is: Multimodality: Print and Digital Anglophone Narratives (3,5 ECTS).

    CfA Research Training Group 2806 Literature and the Public Sphere


    The research training group 2806 “Literature and the Public Sphere in Differentiated Contemporary Cultures” at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, fund-ed by the German Research Foundation, is offering 11 Doctoral Positions (m/f/d) (65%, E-13 TV-L) for a duration of three years respectively, starting 01.10.2025.

    American Studies Conference in Ukraine “United States: Politics, Society, and Culture – 2025 (In Memoriam of Professor Borys Honchar, 1945–2015)”


    American Studies scholars and students are welcome join the conference "United States: Politics, Society, and Culture – 2025", March 6-7, 2025, at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine) and online via Zoom. Apply by February 21, 2025. Details:

    CFP: “We the People”, Annual Conference of the Irish Association for American Studies (IAAS), 24-26 April 2025, Trinity College Dublin


    The annual conference of the Irish Association for American Studies will take place at the Long Room Hub in Trinity College Dublin on 24-26 April 2025. We welcome papers on the theme of “We the People” from all disciplines in American Studies. Abstracts of c. 300 words for 20-minute papers, along with an author bio of c. 100 words, should be submitted by attachment to by Friday, 14th February 2025. Joint proposals for three-person panels are also invited. Further details are available at

    CFP: Across Oceans and Borders: conference on European migration


    The conference aims to provide a comprehensive view of the migration of Europeans from their continent, with an emphasis on Czech emigration to the United States. Another goal is to explore this topic through the lenses of cultural aspects, social issues, and the perspectives of personalities from expatriate communities. Attention will also be given to migration waves and individual migration within Europe and beyond.

    Invitation to apply for a flexible research fellowship at the University of Iowa


    Enjoy a research stay at the Obermann Center for Advanced Studies at the University of Iowa. Fellowships offer $2000 and health insurance, as well as an office and access to our libraries, etc. Very flexible in terms of dates and activities: from two weeks to a semester, with no obligations or disciplinary restrictions. Researchers and creators of any rank, from graduate students to full professors, can apply. The application deadline for Fall'25 fellowships is February 15.

    “50 Years after the Fall of Saigon: Colonialism, Interventionism, and Critical Refugee Studies”


    Fifty years after the fall of Saigon on April 30, 1975, how should we reconsider the geopolitical, cultural, and intellectual legacies of the Vietnam War? How have Vietnam War literature, cinema, and culture been given renewed urgency and critical vitality in recent years by alternative narratives and visions of the conflict and its aftermaths? How have these voices and perspectives raised new questions on the ethics of warfare, the culture industry, and the politics of representation and contributed to fields such as critical refugee studies?

    CfA PhD Grants 2025 – Graduate School of North American Studies at Freie Universitaet Berlin


    The Graduate School of North American Studies at Freie Universität Berlin invites applications for its three-year doctoral program (Deadline: Jan 31, 2025). Applications for 2 one-year doctoral grants (funding period 2025-2026) for the qualification period (core curriculum) and 2 four-year DAAD scholarships funded via the Graduate School Scholarship Programme (GSSP) can now be submitted online at

    CfP Metamorphoses in Contemporary Literature


    We are delighted to announce the conference "Metamorphoses in Contemporary Literature" to be held at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz from May 22nd-24th 2025, organized by Carolin Jesussek, Berenike Jakob, and Franziska Rauh. The conference includes an ECR networking event in the form of a creative writing workshop with Anelise Chen, author of the hybrid memoir Clam Down (2025). A reading by Chen is to be included in the conference program. We are inviting those interested to submit their abstracts by January 31st.

    CFA: Audrey Flack Short-Term Fellowship, Smithsonian American Art Museum


    The Audrey Flack Short-Term Fellowship at the Smithsonian American Art Museum supports a one-month residency for a predoctoral, postdoctoral, or senior scholar who is researching a topic in American art and who resides, works, or attends school outside of commuting distance from Washington, D.C. Researchers whose personal circumstances (i.e., financial constraints, employment conditions, care-giving responsibilities, or other limitations) preclude them from participating in longer-term residencies are encouraged to apply. Application deadline: February 1, 2025.

    WEBINAR LECTURE “Canadian Indigenous Women – Trauma and Resilience Throughout the Centuries”



    Book Release: Redrawing the Western: A History of American Comics and the Mythic West


    University of Texas Press has released Redrawing the Western: A History of American Comics and the Mythic West, authored by William Grady. Redrawing the Western charts a history of the Western genre in American comics from the late 1800s through the 1970s and beyond. Besides tracing the history, forms, and politics of American Western comics in and around the twentieth century, Grady offers an original reassessment of the important role of comics in the development of the Western genre, ranking them alongside popular fiction and film in the process.

    Multimodal Poetics in Contemporary Fiction: Design and Experimentation in North and Central American Texts, by Thomas Mantzaris


    Multimodal Poetics in Contemporary Fiction explores contemporary fiction from a multimodal perspective, shows how technological advancements in the digital era have informed contemporary print-based literary production, and offers an understanding of design as a significant resource for narrative content in literature.

    Special Edition of Journal of Transnational American Studies (JTAS): Global Reflections on the U.S. 2024 Elections


    The Journal of Transnational American Studies  would like to publish a series of brief Reflections on the U.S. 2024 Elections in a Global Context. I would love you to consider contributing something. These pieces are short — up to 1500 words. Your insights into the election in comparative perspective are welcome (and on any of the areas listed below) Your thoughts would be of great interest to JTAS readers

    Symposium: Contemporary Poetics, Communities, and Publics | Inaugural European Association of American Studies Poetry Network Symposium University of Göttingen | May 16-17, 2025


    This symposium is organized by the Poetry Network of the EAAS and aims to bring together readers, writers, and scholars of poetry. Please reach out if you have any questions. Conference Organizers: Lucy Cheseldine (University of York); Gulsin Ciftci (University of Münster); Andrew Gross (University of Göttingen); Philip McGowan (Queen’s University Belfast)

    Symposium: America 2024: A Crossroads for Democracy? 18 November 2024, University of Chicago in Paris


    The US Pol research team, a group of French academics working on American politics, is delighted to announce its post-election symposium, which will take place on November 18 2024, at the John Boyer Center, at the University of Chicago in Paris. You will find the symposium program attached. Francoise Coste, for the US Pol team

    21st-century United States: A Historical Assessment (University Paris Cité, Nov. 2025)


    Please find the call for papers for the international conference "21st-century United States: A Historical Assessment" to be held at University Paris Cité in November 2025.

    Call for Papers for a Special Issue of the journal Ex-Centric Narratives


    Call for Papers (Issue 9, Dec. 2025) Ex-Centric Narratives: Journal of Anglophone Literature, Culture and Media Please submit your abstracts by December 31, 2024, for any of the following two parts PART I Theme: Culture War and/as Myth within and beyond America Contributions: Length of abstract: 150-180 words. Part II Theme: Anglophone Literature, Culture and Media Contributions: Length of abstract: 150-180 words. YOUR ABSTRACTS for either PART I or PART II should include: - title - author(s) - author contact information - affiliated institution - brief bio - 4-5 keywords

    CALL FOR PAPERS: SMI/ICTMD-IE Postgraduate Conference


    Deadline: Friday 8 November 2024 Email: The Society for Musicology in Ireland (SMI) and the Irish National Committee of the International Council for Traditions of Music and Dance (ICTMD-IE) are pleased to announce their annual joint postgraduate conference will take place at Trinity College Dublin on Thursday 16 and Friday 17 January 2025.

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